Sunday 24 July 2011

The Taxidermist Prop Production

For the film I made a selection of the props myself, these were partly for budget reasons but also because I wanted the film to have a slightly handmade original look to it that would have been impossible to achieve through purely commercial products.
The fish skeleton was designed to look like the original Tom and Jerry style cartoon fish that would be easily recognisable with childhood entertainment and thus create an emotional association with the audience. It was also to fit in with the style of the film, being a bit quirky and jovial in the pivotal scene.
The fish was made out of thin wire and plasticine, it was very fiddly but the end result looked very effective on screen and functional with the in-built hook for the actors to hold.

The film needed to have a collection of amber eyes for a few critical scenes. They were really expensive to find online so I decided to make them myself out of marbles coated in acrylic and then the amber image was applied with PVA and varnished to add a shine like real eyes. The result was a collection of beautiful shining eyes that glistened with an eerie surreal glow yet showed up beautifully in the final cut.

The following images are of the pair of owl mugs I made for the film. I took an existing pair of mugs and built upon them using layers of cardboard and plasticine. I subsequently painted them and varnished them ready for the shoot.

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